If I taught my class with my back turned the whole time would you enjoy the class as much as you do? Ladies would you know how to do the exercise correctly? By my demonstration you are in the correct form. Also, no one would be able to see my smile or feel my energy, you know the good vibes. Just like that we have to gain insight and wisdom through experience. That is how we gain a deeper understanding of our relationships and the meaning of life. Amen.
Knowledge on the other hand is different: It is a tool and wisdom is the craft in which the tool is used. Read this over again knowledge is a tool and wisdom is the craft in which the tool is used! Amen
Knowledge is facts/information and you can gain this very easily by one click google search.
This was awesome loved it "Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the life long attempt to acquire it" Such a process is lengthy. This teaches the pursuer (me) PATIENCE AND HUMILITY! Powerful words, amen!
***** THIS IS AMAZING: INSTALL THIS IN YOUR HEAD: Seriously write it down...
Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers by Alfred Tennyson Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen! Gods wisdom lingers. Wow, How true?
Decisions- you've already made millions of them, and you've still got millions more to make. Most of these choices are of the smaller variety- like what to do at a given moment, or what to say or what to wear or how to direct your thoughts! But a few are much much bigger than this: for example giving your life to Christ, or deciding where or not to stay in school, or choosing a profession. Whatever choices you face-whether they're big, little or somewhere in between you can be sure that the quality of those choices will make a huge difference in the quality of your life.
I'n my own life made mistakes: Telling a friend or family what they should or shouldn't do based on my knowledge of the situation. Well due to lack of wisdom I lost friends in the past... Example: I had a friend in high school and her boyfriend was dragging her down. I thought I was doing the right thing by putting him and her down and now I know it was the wrong way to handle the situation. She ended up turning her back on me because I didn't listen and all I did was put her down. I would say mean things and judge the situation when all I should have been doing was listening to her! We ended up being friends again years later but, If I had to handle that now it would be different.
Now what to wear wow this has changed just recently: Examples. . . I treat my body like Christ would. I remember a few years ago I was dating someone and he invited me to a wedding. I was like I am going to dress so sexy. LOL. I can't believe I am even writing this. Well, let me finish the story. We get to the wedding and it's outside in farm-ville (IM SERIOUS) I am dressed like a teenager going to prom. Really Mallery... Oh my Oh my. I was so embarrassed. I did all this in my flesh for attention. I learned and asked God to forgive me and the next event I go to you best believe I will not be wearing anything like that, I want people to see a young Godly women NOT A SEXY girl looking for attention from every guy. I actually wish I had the girl of the weddings phone number, I would seriously call and say please forgive me for the way I dressed..... Oh my! People: Men & Women what you wear symbolizes God (his body) I run for Jesus, I exercise for Jesus, this summer I will wear a full piece bathing suit & yes I have abs but SO WHAT- I don't need to show them off. I am blessed that God has given me the will power to work hard and to strive to be all that I can for the Lord. Anyway I love my full piece :) took some getting use to but, I love it now. Amen. A Godly man would respect that! He can see the ripped abs after you get married...
How can you make better decisions? A great place to start is by talking things over with God before you (spring into ACTION) oh my this is truly me. I am like a spring when it comes to ideas. I am all in and want to do it all now.... So me..... It says not after but before seek Gods wisdom. Amen. While you're at it, you can check things out with your parents, mentors, grandparents or teachers. And, you can learn to listen careful to your conscience (Gods voice) It took time and patience for me to do this, I now say Lord is this good or help me or lead me. He will show you!
I want to give you an example of this: When I accepted the Lord in my heart I wanted to know what my purpose was immediately. I thought about starting my own ministry, did some research (internet) but I did not have the wisdom. I had knowledge but NO wisdom. I waited 3 years and in the mean time asked God to help me to gain wisdom for his will. I thought of many idea's:
1. Back to school, army chaplain
2. Taking as many ministry trips as possible
3. Studied the bible and got involved in small study groups
4. Asked wise mentors for insight (humbled myself)
5. Prayed and Prayed for God to lead me
I could list many more but the above are just a few on the top of my head. I have done all of them and will continue to pray, bible studies, mission trips, ask Godly mentors for advice and the schooling may come later. God came to me in a dream a few months ago when I was battling with what to do about school and this is the message "I have given you a gift, you are my child, I will give you wisdom." Go out and tell everyone your testimony. Be the light in this dark world. Amen! I am gaining wisdom I thought I would never have each and every day... Thank you JESUS!
Here is an example of how God gave me wisdom just this week: Proverbs 4:7 "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom "though it cost all you have, get understanding!" Amen, I really wanted to share how this pertains to my life. I could have filed for my ministry with no lawyer (saved money) I could have saved time by not going to see my pastors at church. . . All though the lawyer and filing fees cost me almost everything we raised in the ministry account, I did not once say where is my financial reward. GOD gave me that MONEY... Everything I have is his!!! Lord all I want to do your will. I'll continue to trust you and I have faith he will continue to bless Mallery Schaffer Ministries. Amen. Gods wisdom and doing his work leads to saving lives, being an example of Christ truly overpowers anything! The financial reward will come because I am trusting him with all my heart. Amen! Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord for using me as a vessel to share your love.
Please take these devotions that we discuss seriously and live them out everyday-start today: When you do, you'll make decisions that will please God and improve your life. Amen!
I want to thank all you ladies who joined me today! Please continue to pray Mallery Schaffer Ministries treasurer will be revealed.
Your support, love and continual prayers are so important!!
Love you Lord, thank you for giving me another day to serve you!
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