Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mallery's 1st fitness sermon!!!

3/14/12 My past food & exercise addiction!!!  

I was so happy to share my heart with you ladies, thank you! 

I am now preparing each sermon from my heart, using the gifts God has given me and learning to be as organized as possible ;)  It's also helping me to take out extra time to study the bible and grow in the Lord.  

Father in the name of Jesus I ask you to Renew our Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit,  for ministry growth and God to reveal the treasurer of Mallery Schaffer Ministries.  

I want to thank lead pastor Ron Hoellein from United Methodist Church for his wisdom and suggestion to incorporate scripture on our temple "fitness" in my sermons. 

It's actually an awesome point he made because the members of his church or any church can go and listen to an amazing sermon about the word of God and to grow in the Lord. I love Pastor John he's truly anointed and I go each week to see him preach. I go an extra day because it's not the same hearing the sermon online. Victory Family Church (my family)  is a blessing to me and I will be at that church forever.... 

If I was to speak at my church or United Methodist I would incorporate Fitness & Faith together.   Mallery Schaffer Ministries is based on Transforming lives by using fitness as a platform to share the gospel. Amen. 

When I preach on Monday 1 p.m (lunch) Wednesday 6 p.m & Friday 6:30 a.m (after workout) this really helps me to overcome fears of speaking and prepares me for future opportunities to speak in front of larger groups or speaking events! 

Past history with addictions to food and exercise: how it affected me & how God helped me over comes this! 

- Growing up ate whatever, was addicted to wrong foods (was hard to break the old habits) 

- love animals/vegan part of me 
" People lived much longer lives in AD years, before they lusted for flesh meat and God gave them permission to eat it. Please be aware that lust results in over consumption, not normal consumption. Later when they began overeating meat and processed foods, life spans declined many years, and today 40-80 years old. Wow! " 
- After my father passed away (loss hair, no appetite, really skinny 20 less, low iron) 
- I emotionally I let food and exercise controlled me at one point on my life 
- fears of gaining weight (family members were always worrying about this) made me feel the same if I gained a pound I would be so upset. 
- we all have cravings and addictions 
- I love Dark chocolate I can eat it all day long (I'm human) 
- Trainer doesn't mean I wouldn't rather eat cookie than the greens! I do have them sometimes especially after a long run. (my point is to make this a life style change) Diets do not work! 

I eat carbohydrates, proteins and fats to fuel and nourish my body. I consume a healthy diet of foods so that I have so much energy to function. I strive to receive the correct about of nutrients for my mind to work properly. When I run, I rely on a certain amount of sugar/food to fuel my body. These are all what? Physical?  What does our spirit need to perform the spiritual functions that God has for us? 

- Write this down and repeat after me: 
God you satisfy me more than the richest of foods

How powerful is this, when you eat do you ask God to nourish your body, ask him to sanctify you? Well, why not??  Look at the verse below on what he has done for us and we by pass the opportunity to thank him for the food he's given us?? Really--- 1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

This really stood out to me:  Jesus said when he was famished and so starving!! 

John 4- 31:34
31 In the meantime His disciples urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”
32 But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” (love this) 
33 Therefore the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?”
34 Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. 35 Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! 36 And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. 37 For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ 38 I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.” 
- - - Yes, Jesus needed the same type of nourishment in traditional food just as we do today. But He knew that His more meaningful nourishment came from doing what He came to earth to do… to bear all of our sins… past, present and future… so that we might have everlasting life when we die and so that we might have a more abundant/full life while we are here, being filled with His love.

- My God given mission is to help you Tranform your life by sharing in each class the good news of who Jesus really is and how he wants us to renew our Body,mind,soul, spirit. 2 Corinthians 5:7 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 

***  Going to conclude with this: My secretary of my ministry wrote this for me:  I want to share it with you, she believe God in me and has been a true blessing in my life. 

My name is Mallery Schaffer.  I am a fitness instructor and personal trainer.   I also have a ministry with the mission of helping individuals to be healthier, physically fit and spiritual aware as well.  I conductor group class for women at simple to advanced levels of exercise, according to the needs and wishes of the participants.  Exercises are aimed at stretching and toning muscles. Classes also include suggestions for healthy eating and lifestyle alternatives.  An important part of the classes is the inclusion of spiritual "nourishment" in the form of inspiration and some meditation inter-twined with the exercises with the belief that "the body is the temple of the soul and that God wants us to take care of our "temples" with our own efforts and God's help. 1 corinthians 6:19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own (I added this) :) 
Since these classes are non-profit , the cost is a free-will offering and the use of your facility for the classes.  If you are interested in offering these classes through your church or organization, please contact me at the following email I would also be happy to meet with your program or activities representative to answer any questions or provide more information, in person.
Wishing you good health and God's blessings-- Mallery 

Please copy and paste the above and pass along by email to your church or organization. You can also print and give it to the pastor personally. 

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers, love and support. I am open to all suggestions and comments, I know I jumped subjects and got off target a bit this evening.  Please know this is going to happen, I am so far from perfect, LOL.  I just pray not as frequent in the future.  I trust this will improve as more opportunities and great Godly mentors come my way.  

As I Promised, finally here is the recipe for the protein bars :) with pics! So sorry it took so long. Get creative with foods! Find a balance, I have to practice this every day along with patience :) 

Yummy- All ingredients! 

Ok, I made a huge batch but I would follow the recipe below-- 

Yum, just add a small amount 

go bananas 

I like raison better but Gojo are healthier for you! 

Can't forget Vegan choco chips 

Agave Organic (small amount) I did even smaller than on the recipe 

Love PB2 it's amazing! 


Chia seeds 


Vanilla Extract 
Olive Oil 

Mix all together 

I was so proud after making theses No bake yummy healthy protein balls :) 

 No-Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bars
1 Ripe Banana (mashed)
1.5 c Oats
1/2 c Shredded Coconut (I used sweetened)
1/2 c Raisins (or date chunks, cranberries, craisins, dried cherries/mangoes/apricots/etc. Any dried fruit will work)
1/2 c Chocolate Chips (or carob, butterscotch, white chocolate chips, etc.)
1/2 c Maple Syrup (or agave, yacon syrup)
1/2 c Peanut Butter (or any nut butter, i.e. almond, pecan, cashew, etc.)
The Following Ingredients are Optional but I used them all:
2 to 4 scoops of Protein Powder (I used 2 heaping scoops of Sun Warrior Brown Rice Raw Vegan Protein Powder in Vanilla flavor.  And if you don’t care about the protein aspect or don’t have on hand, just omit the Protein Powder all together)
2 Tbsp Flax Seeds
2 Tbsp Chia Seeds
1.5 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
Yields: Approximately 10 decent sized bars
Note: The above are rough measurements and you can use the kitchen sink mentality on this recipe: a dash of this, a dab of that, don’t have this but have tons of that, throw everything in but the kitchen sink strategy and they will “work”.  I promise.
Storage: I store mine in the freezer, individually wrapped, so I can grab and go as needed.  They soften up quickly at room temp, and will keep for a month or more in the freezer.
Also see my  Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Coconut Oil Protein Bars which is this recipe plus 1/4 c coconut oil
Optional Add-In’s, Extras, Tweaks, Variations:
  • Use Christmas Cookie Cutters and make Stars, Reindeer, Gingerbread men, etc.
  • Shape into logs, bars, biggerballs, squares, hearts
  • Decorate with Sprinkles!!!
  • Frosting or Icing (see my Raw Vegan Icing Recipe Here)
  • Roll finished product in: Cinnamon-Sugar, Brown or White Sugar, Carob, Coconut, Cocoa Nibs, Cocoa Powder, Powdered Sugar, Shredded Coconut
  • Dip in Maple Syrup or Agave
  • Add in Carob, Coconut, Cocoa Nibs into the “dough” mixture.
  • 2 to 4 Tbsp of Cocoa Powder or PB2 would be awesome!
  • Use raisins instead of dates, gogi berries instead of raisins, dried cranberries instead of dried cherries, etc.
  • Use or combine multiple types of dried fruit rather than solely using raisins: gogi berries, dates, cranberries, craisins, apricots
  • Dash of agave or coconut oil if mixture is too dry
  • Dehydrate for a more “cooked tasting” version.
  • Flatten or mold into larger cookie/bar shapes
  • Double the recipe to share with others.   I like to make dessert recipes that don’t make a ridiculous quantity so you’re not tempted to eat the whole thing in a sitting!  But also, smaller batches are nice because that way you get to try it, but then move onto something new & different.  Variety is the spice of life, I tell ya!

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