Yes, I waited 3 weeks again to do laundry. I will really appreciate having a washer and dryer in the future. Amen! :) The many things we can take for granted.
I make this a very positive experience and always pray that God uses me every time I step foot into the laundromat! Some of you may know from my past stories that I always have a wow God moment after spending 3 hours doing laundry. LOL!
Tonight, I was very hyper (acting silly) and with said I found a little child to play hide and seek with. His mom and gram were with him, they were so excited that he had a friend to play with. I am a kid at heart so I was pretty PUMPED as well. We laughed and I chased him around the place.. His cute little cheeks were all red and he was just the highlight of my night.
I know all of you can totally relate to this, especially if you have little ones. It's that moment when they look at you right into your eyes with such JOY. When they laugh so hard and your heart just opens up SO wide. You just want to hug them, squeeze so tightly and stay in that moment forever.
That is exactly how I felt UNTIL he was running at full speed and smacked his head right off of the washer door. OH MY GOODNESS. He had no shoes on (only socks) and had fallen right before this incident. I asked if he was OK. He said YEP with a big smile and got back up to run RIGHT into the washer. When I say full speed I mean fast, fast, fast! He immediately started screaming at the top of his lungs.. I could feel his pain, I wanted to cry for him! His mom picked him right up, love that mother instinct.
Does this sound like you? Jesus is our father and loves us so much. He wants the absolute best for us. We sometimes are running full speed towards something WE want so badly. We trip up because what we are running towards isn't his will. The Holy Spirit speaks to us and we don't listen.. What ends up happening? SMACK IN THE FACE, the big bruise! Come on, give me an amen. I know you all have been at this point in your life before! You think everything is going exactly according to Gods will and BAM it all changes in one moment, one second, one day or even less than a second...
The AWESOME news is that God is redirecting you for a reason. He knows what is next, it's even better than you could have EVER imagined. The bruise won't last, it will heal. Amen! He makes beautiful things out of us!
Yes, I know your thinking is little man OK? He was fine and in good spirit before leaving the Laundromat. I told his mom and gram, I will be praying for him.
This scripture came to my mind "Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is." (Ephesians 5:17)
+ We sometimes want something so much we try and fit it into his plan for our lives. Instead of surrendering and following his will. Thank YOU Jesus for giving me another day to serve you. I love you! Rest well everyone. Praying this encourages and helps you all to step into a new level of faith!
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