There are many reasons to stay active... Right? Let's face it not all of us want to exercise? Some enjoy walking and doing light weights while others enjoy getting a really hard/intense workout in!
The key is to burn more calories and eat healthier foods.. ;) That way you will have more energy and enjoy the results from your workout plan! I know what your thinking, if it were that simple...
My advice try new things, make them fun, find an accountability partner or friend to team up with. Running is not my favorite sport but, I have to say I am enjoying it more and more as time goes on. I've learned so much about myself, meet awesome people, always feel great after finishing the race and training always pays off. The most important is how to glorify the Lord? Thinking about getting a shirt that says RUN4JESUS on the back with my website info at the bottom :)
I want to share with you a story from today. I woke up feeling really unmotivated and not feeling it. Just ready to crawl back into my sheets and say wake me up after the run. I know you all have been there before? Correct, maybe it's before work or a workout?
Well, I didn't because stay in bed and here are some of the reasons..
#1 I had an accountability partner that said I will be at your place at 8:30 a.m on the dot.
#2. I wanted to be at this race for a dear friend, since it was his last race before his surgery.
#3. I wanted to get a good workout in..
Well, God had other plans, as he always does!
We arrived at the race about an hour early, when we walked in they had my # ready for me. IT WAS 143. I was totally pumped. I had been wanting that number for years. You know when people had pagers back in the day? We would page and it would have our phone number and behind it 143 meaning I LOVE YOU! I had to post this on Twitter and let you all know it's been years and never once did I have this special running number. A thought dawned on me and that was the Lord speaking into my heart saying "I love you" I love you, more than you know Mallery!
I warmed up, said a prayer for everyone and started the 5k. I was feeling a bit down and NOT into the run but pushed through it. I knew that we would all cool down and that was really what I was looking forward to.. Lol.
So after our 3 mile cool down I went back in for my award. I walked up to the guy and he said your name, I told him Mallery Schaffer. He goes "you cannot get an award because you didn't do as good as you did last year" That was like a dagger to my heart. I said back to him very nicely "my prize is actually eternal, I run for the Lord, no problem." He said "I am just kidding and gave me the mug with a 1st place (age group) ribbon on it." I didn't do as well as last year and I knew that but, I also realize what's important and it's not the metal. I smiled and walked away.
Then about 10 min later he comes walking back up to me and asked me "are you a believer." I said yes born again and run for Jesus. He smiled and started talking to me about his walk with the Lord. I was so happy to hear his story. He told me he was saved and that he reads the bible. I encouraged him and said that was awesome! Wow, what a blessing to hear his testimony. That was Gods plan for this race, to hear how he is working in and through my fellow brother. Lord, I pray for Mike and really ask that you continue to strengthen his love for you.
Don and Larry's last race of the year.. prayers will be going out for them both!
Amen, God bless you all. John 13:34-35 LOVE ONE ANOTHER! He loves us more than we can even imagine and wants us to be full of energy and healthy. I didn't enjoy running but now I changed it up, made it fun. It's not about me, it's about HIM! The one who created me.
Lord, thank you for giving me another day to glorify you!
Good job friends! You are loved. Nite, sweet dreams.
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