Thursday, February 23, 2012

2/22/12 Transform

Thank you ladies for joining me this Wednesday, our group is getting larger and larger. Amen! 

Today's topic was about "Our thoughts just because we don't say them doesn't mean they are not important" 

Directing Our Thoughts - Philippines 4:8 "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, what is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable- if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise-dwell on these things. 

How powerful was that? Think about this, dwell on this? What does PRAISE mean to you? When you think of praising the Lord, what comes to mind? This is what comes to my mind: 

1. Just lifting my hands in the middle of the gym while training "saying hallelujah" Psalms 98:4 "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: Make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. 

2. Singing and praising God in the car and pounding on my roof top with my hands.  

Psalm 47:1

"Oh clap your hands all you peoples, shout unto God with the voice of triumph!" 

3. In church during praise and worship, my hands so high for 15 min straight. What an awesome feeling, I love it. 
Psalm 100 "says to not only make a joyful noise unto the Lord, but to come into His presence with singing and know that He is God." Amen, Amen, Amen! 

*** Why is it so hard to clap unto God? You can go to a ball game or a hockey game and shout and scream and no one thinks anything is wrong. But if we do it in church, it is a crime? NO! God loves it!!!!!!!!!! 

Praising is a positive statement and you can do this public or private. I do both all day long.. I want him to know that I love him and oh how much I praise him. Dwell on praising and dwell means to think about all the time.

Praise God! He's so faithful! 

Okay girlfriend, (love how they say this, so my type of book) here's a questions: How will you direct your thoughts today? Will you obey the words of Philippians 4:8 by dwelling upon those things that are honorable, pure, and worthy of praise? Or will you allow your thoughts to be hijacked (love this HIJACKED) by the negativity that seems to dominate our troubled world? 

Is this not true we can let negativity ruin our lives if we let it. Have you ever met someone that was so negative, all they spoke and said was just negative? It started to breaking you down? STOP NOW, STOP NOW! Do not let anyone or anything hijack you from the joy of praising our Lord and savior! Praise God and tell the devil to beat it. 

Are you fearful, angry, bored or worried? Are you so preoccupied with the concerns of this day that you fail to thank God for the promise of eternity? Are you confused or pessimistic? If so, God wants to have a little talk with you. He wants to remind you of his infinite love and his boundless (unlimited) grace. As you contemplate these things, and as you give thanks for God's blessings, negativity should no longer dominate you day or your life. 

Direct your thoughts today & Praise God all day every day!  

You know if your reading this and your like wow this is me, I dwell on the bad, I am constantly worrying about something, angry, so bored with life or work, fears that are holding you back from achieving goals and being all that you can be! Well God just used me as a vessel to tell you to start changing this now! Redirect your thoughts on praising God and thanking him for each and every blessings you receive. There are millions of things you can thank the Lord for, start now.

I encourage you to print this devotion and read it every day. 

I'm seeing lives being changed and heart being renewed right in front of my eyes. Amen!  Your prayers, love and continued support is much appreciated. I pray that we will fill up the room with ladies! 
Please tell all your friends & church family. Do they want to renew their mind, body, soul and spirit? 
... All for the GLORY OF GOD! Hallelujah 

Goal $144 to file for the 501 (c) non profit, meeting next week to discuss the next steps. 

Thank you for your prayers! 

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!! Look at the background of the picture so wild.
