Friday 2/3 - Isaiah 30:15 "In quietness and trust is your strength"
What a great devotion this morning after our intense ABS workout, my aunt Audrey was in class ready to start 5:50 a.m (bless her heart) what an awesome way to start your day! Praise God. I love having class Friday morning, just sets the mood for a fantastic healthy weekend.
This scripture really touched my heart, everyone that knows me truly sees and knows --
I am an all or nothing type of gal. I like to go ALL in and never look back. If I am not ALL in then forget about it. With that being said at times and I am praying about this, it's very hard for me to be still, have patience and listen to what he wants me to do.
God says at all to well " Whenever you're about to make an important decision you should listen careful to the quiet voice inside, sometimes of course, it's tempting to do otherwise. From time to time you'll be tempted to abandon your better judgement by ignoring your conscience. Don't do it. Instead of ignoring that quiet little voice, pay careful attention to it. If you do, your conscience will lead you in the right direction-- in face, it's trying to lead you right NOW. So listen very careful and learn...
I shared a few topics in my life that could have went so wrong if I didn't be still and listen to the Holy Spirit, list a few School has been one for years, I could be going for the wrong subject and so overwhelmed, business decisions could have caused me to go deeper into debt or under, started a family on my own time not Gods, married/relationship with the wrong man which leads to unhappiness. I could name more but, please know this is not to pin point someone who has made mistakes or to say that I haven't made any in my life. I have believe me and used each as a learning experience, I asked him to forgive me for not being patient and listening to his voice. Trust in God, listen, listen, listen, listen!
"Arm yourself with the word of God, and your conscience will sound off loud and clear when you're headed in the wrong direction" This is not an actually voice that you can hear, it's in your heart always (Holy Spirit) and you will not only think in your mind, this is so wrong, you will know it in your heart. If God is not in it, he will tell you! I shared with the group if I am facing something that I am confused about and don't know if Gods in it, I not only will pray about it, I will put out my bible or You Version on I-phone and start searching for scripture. The other day I faced some bad emotions, It was about my family.
I didn't know what to say or how to react to it. I immediatly started looking up scripture about it. We have so many resources because of technology, use them for the glory of God!!!! Let me repeat this, use the computer and your resources for the Glory of God.
" God desires that we become SPIRITUALLY (study Gods word daily) HEALTHY (exercise your mind, body, soul, spirit) enough THOUGHT FAITH (believing in the un-seen when all we truly see in darkness with our eyes, walk by faith not by sight) to have a conscience (your mind filled with his love) that rightly interprets the work (he has a plan for us, don't forget it) of the HOLY SPIRIT (he who lives inside you).
* Let me repeat this God desires that we become spiritually healthy enough through faith to have a conscience that rightly interprets the works of the Holy Spirit.
I shared this yesterday, In Israel it became so real, alive and in my mind tangible what the Holy Spirit is.
The reason I say tangible "something we can touch" is because I was in his tomb, I seen where he rose again, he's alive inside of me. If your a new Christian that may seem confusing, give it time. You will feel him and see what he's doing in your life. BE PATIENT AND TRUST!
-------- I truly don't think I knew what the Holy Spirit was the first 2 years after accepting the Lord in my heart. I now know and I want to be and do all that I can for the GLORY of our Lord. Amen!
The classes will 1 hour on Monday 12 p.m, Wednesday 5:30 p.m, Friday 6 a.m. All proceeds will go to my vision and God only knows what the big plan is for my future. I pray every day it is a fitness ministry to share my testimony and help people see the love of Jesus Christ. All over the world, we can move mountains together, one step at a time. Praise God.
This wheel is a symbol of our lives, it took me a year not to fall and to do it correctly (with right form)
but in life I am human and I fall at times. My fitness family knows why we use this in wheel.. "When we fall in life, just like the wheel WE DO WHAT GET BACK UP AND DO IT AGAIN"
Go HARD or GO home. We can do it! Amen!
Practice, Practice, Practice. I love what Tebow says. If talent does not work, hard work will. Amen!
Go Aunt Audrey, bless her heart. She has come a long, long way - works out like a 20 year old.
Thanks for all your support who joined the classes this week!!
I trust GOD has big plans for me and my future fitness ministry. The Transform ladies workout group is the first step towards my vision.
I had to really trust, listen and over come big fears to pursue this dream he placed on my heart. God gave me not only some courage to go for it, he said loud and clear "don't wait" go save lives, share your testimony with everyone, be bold with my love and you will be stretched.
I'm so thankful for his love and words cannot express how thrilled I am to have the Transform kick off next Tuesday 2/7/12.
I just know if God is in it the class is bound to grow, the room will be filled with awesome ladies. My goal is to help women
Transform using fitness as a platform to share the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ.
You shine like a beacon, Mallery!!!!! I love you.......
ReplyDeleteEven though I have a love/hate relationship with that wheel, I love the meaning you put behind it when you fall!