Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I want to challenge you today-  - - 

Send someone an email, text or call. Tell them how much you love and care for them!  

I was having a emotional morning and I am the easiest person to read. If I am sad, you know it, if I am happy you know it. I can't hide it even when I try my hardest.  Well, my good friend and client sensed it this morning and blessed me with an awesome email.  

-- Bless her heart. Thank you Lord! Exactly what I needed to read: 

When you find yourself feeling a little bit low, you have to think about the people who also care about you and BELIEVE in you - people like me.  You have so many good qualities, you have a good heart who always strives to do the right thing and make the best of every situation.  You can accomplish anything you put your energy towards.  I see the spirit of God shine within you, and you are truly an inspiration and a blessing to everyone who knows you.
You are always in my prayers, and I ask God to comfort you, and give you strength and know that  there are better days ahead as this is what you deserve and you are truly one of his beloved children.
God bless and love you,
I also want to thank everyone for stepping up to help me today - Serving and supporting my ministry, pushing and giving your all, showing love and encouragement, opening up your heart for Gods word, hugging me when you walked in the door, smiling and just being who God made you!

I love you!

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