I am overflowing with joy right now, I will never forget this day.. Marked it down in my calendar! ;)
While your reading this post, I pray you will open your heart to feel this overflowing joy!
Ok, literally put yourself in my shoes - I woke up at 5 a.m, snooze, snooze, snooze... MAN- Get out of bed Mallery so much to do and prepare for. Yikes, jump up and I start getting ready. As I'm getting ready and reading my daily bread it hits me, this is going to be an awesome day. I was like I am awake finally!!!
I get dressed, pack my food, brush my teeth and as I am walking out I pray. Are you still tuned in and with me, I sure hope... Don't lose me yet. Still have so much to share with you.
Sonny and I have a long talk about faith and fitness. We share our believes and he gives me a big hug. Lord God, I thank you for a great mentor and I am so thankful he supports me 100%. I cried tears of joy knowing that I am supported and called to do Gods work. He's placed it on my heart so strong that miracles are happening in front of my eyes, fears are being washed away, courage/boldness I never had speaks when I share my testimony, dreams are becoming a reality, I thank God for Sonny every day!!
I then started prep for my 12 p.m (lunch) drop ins to get info. I looked at myself in the mirror and seen God in me. I smiled from ear to ear. I said "Lord speak your words today" Give me your will. Amen! He took away the anxiety that I was feeling this morning...
Jenn & Anne came and we fellowed, ate and shared stories about our love for God. I want to thank them because that healed any doubt I was having in my heart.
It was about 2 p.m, I started texting, emailing and getting caught up and wow time flew by.. I had an hour to look in the mirror and talk into it. That is exactly what I did. I felt good and very confident that God would speak the words. I asked him "Lord what do you want me to say"?
This is what the Lord spoke this evening, wait let me remind you I started speaking to the group at 6 p.m
(I had 15 min planned) yea I did not stop speaking till 7:05 p.m. OKKKKK this was the first time I have ever done this in my life with such calmness and peace in my heart. If you could see me right now - smiles ;) smiles ;) over come this fear is truly amazing, wow.. I am so thankful!
I prayed before we started that the ladies would open their hearts to Gods word. They would become fit from the inside out and continue to focus on Gods plans for their lives. The Transform ministry would grow and they would be a part of the group. Prayed he would speak his words through me and use me as his vessel. That fitness would be used as a platform to share the love of Christ all over the world. Amen!
- Mallery Schaffer vegan, certified trainer, we discussed nutrition and how I have been a vegan now for 4 years! I also gave them some yummy vegan bars. They were awesome. I will post on blog later this week-
Why did I name the ministry Transform? Christian who believes in mind, soul, spirit and body are a full transformation. If your dead on the inside your not alive on the outside. Transform will bring women closer and closer to Gods love. Transform is a ministry to help women change their lives through faith and fitness.
My mom and gram were going to be there and I shared some really awesome stories about who they are: My mom has always worked and strived to give my brother and I everything from clothes, food, roof over our heads to the running water and gas working- Amen. I know because of her is why I work, work and work to achieve my goals... I love you mom, thank you!
My Gram, she has always given an ear to listen. My family has been a huge part of who I am today. I want to thank them. I love you all very much.
I then went into sharing what my clients say about me. Why do I stand out? Unique about me and my program? This is just a few, thank you all for sharing-
Caring, compassionate, tender hearted, strong willed and very sincere,
Kristian: very positive and it rubs off, helps in life. I will never forget the time she said to me "Mallery I love starting the day off with you, just sets the day" You can do that for someone as well, be the shining light in someones life. It could be as simple as a smile.
Barb: Inspiration, personaled regimen, sum it up spiritual and you honestly feel great when your around her. It truly motivates you to do and be more! God is in me and it shines into peoples lives! This was awesome to share because we have been together for 2 years. She has come a long, long way. I tell her never give up and keep working hard.
Kristen: Caring and charismatic, genuinely cares about your transformation. We have been working together for 2 months and it's truly a pleasure to see her heart chaining!
* I appreciate all your kind words and I believe in you! We can do all things in Christ which he who strengthens you. Amen!
I shared the story about my neighbor and also my little cousins salvations. God thank you for using me as your vessel. I love life, I love life!!
I explained the exercises low/high impart and how it's open for all ladies to workout, uplifting Christian music, devotion, nutrition tips, times of the class!
Now - - - Now - - - My testimony As we should say finally.... I made them wait..... I was called a comedian tonight. Thanks Tammy that was a compliment. God has helped me come a long way.
I finished up with my vision for the ministry and how we will write down our future goals, miracles and transformations that stem from Transform. I trust lives will be changed and I pray for the room to full up and Transform to grow and grow! Please pray this. Your support is the key for my ministry to be a success. I love you all.
My prayer is everyone that walks into Transform will feel the love of God. I pray you give cheerfully only because on your heart you believe in me to do the will of God.
Thank you Lord for another glorious day to serve you!!!! What a blessings it is to do Gods word. I am so thankful I can combine faith and fitness. It's a dream come true, prayers do work in life and miracles do happen. Keep believing in him.
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you!!! You amaze me everyday with your Love of life and your love of the Lord!!! You are a wonderful friend, Mebtor and sister in Christ!!! I am honored to have you in my life, keep up the good work!!
Love You!!!