Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Artificial Sweeteners

This is very interesting and I want to thank Carol B for inspiring me to research this last night. I'm praying for your pain in hips! 



According to an article written in 1991 by H.J. Roberts, M.D. in the "Townsend Letter for Doctors," a link was suggested between use of aspartame and joint pain. Dr. Roberts wrote of 58 patients who consumed moderate to large amounts of the sweetener who complained of joint pain while using the sweetener. A case study revealed some individuals consumed up to eight packets of the chemical per day. He instructed the individuals to discontinue aspartame consumption, which resulted directly in reduction of their symptoms.

Chemicals in Sweeteners

An article published in "Women to Women," titled "Sugar Substitutes and the Potential Danger of Splenda" by Marcelle Pick, OBG/GYN NP, explains that aspartame use can result in an accumulation of formaldehyde in the brain because it is absorbed by your body. This can result in damage to your central nervous and immune systems. Many symptoms can be experienced from this, including pain. Sucralose is another sugar-like chemical, discovered in 1976 by chemists searching for a new pesticide formula. According to the article, the structure of the sucralose molecule resembles a pesticide more than sugar. These chemicals are linked to MS, lupus and fibromyalgia -- all of which exhibit symptoms of joint pain.

Anecdotal Evidence

Richard J. Sabates, M.D., author of the "Prevention Diet," wrote of his personal experience with joint pain and artificial sweeteners. Dr. Sabates used the products in an effort to reduce his caloric intake for weight management reasons. He chronicles the arthritic-like joint pain he experienced and the treatments he underwent for everything from gout to infective, septic arthritis. After reading the article published by Dr. Roberts, he withdrew artificial sweeteners from his diet and his joint pain improved. He challenged this by adding the products back into his diet -- his symptoms returned.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/373970-artificial-sweetener-joint-pain/#ixzz1j3zIXeOy

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