Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Transform 2/8/12

Just want to thank that special sister for coming back last night after my event while I was cleaning up and giving $20 from your heart. That was truly a blessing. I trust that God will richly bless you if he hasn't all ready. Thank you, thank you! Please continue to pray for the Transform ministry to grow & grow and change the lives of millions.

Wednesday 5:30 p.m Christianity Here and Now- 

Psalms 143:10 "Teach me to do your will, for your are my God. May your gracious spirit lead me on level ground."

A few years ago, I met an older wise lady named Mary, she seen the love I had for God and gave me a little note with a prayer on it. I told her I would say it out loud every day, well after service I put it in my car and forgot to bring it in that night. A few days later I remembered and said to myself "I better keep my promise"  I knew I was going to see Mary Sunday morning... I could not wait to tell her I had the prayer memorized. That very next morning as I was reading it and the words came alive to me. I  have now been praying this as soon as I wake up, every morning since that very day. "Dear Lord God, you are untouched and freshly new so here I come to ask you if you will renew me to, forget the many errors that I made and let me walk closer in thy way! I am well aware I can't make it on my own so Lord, PLEASE I am asking you take my hand and hold it tight for I cannot walk alone. In Jesus name I pray AMEN"!  I sometimes after even shout out with joy, thank you Lord for giving me another day to serve you. The best part about this prayer is your asking for his will to be done in your life. Your giving him everything and he does answer your prayers! So, do this ask him to come into your heart and lead your life.

Devotion day # 5 - God doesn't want you to be a run of the mill, follow the crowd kind of girl. God wants you to be a "new creation" through him. And that's exactly what you should want for yourself, too.  I can relate to this, I was a follow the crowd type of gal. As a teen I was doing the cool thing  BUT not who God made me to be. I wanted to partying and it didn't matter the consequence or who I was hiring along the way.  If I would have continued to go down that wrong path of trying to be like my friends, family and everyone but me.  It mat have killed me..  Thank God I am walking with Christ and now WHO he has created me to be. I cherish every second of my life and still love my friends/family but, God comes first.

Nothing I MEAN NOTHING is more important than your wholehearted commitment to your creator and to his only begotten son. Your faith must never be an afterthought; it must be your ultimate priority, your ultimate possession, and your ultimate passion.   - When I think of this, I always try and see through Gods eyes, what would he do? I love being more like him, it's my passion to do his will for my life.

You are a recipient of Christ's love. Accept it enthusiastically and share it passionately. Jesus deserves your extreme enthusiasm; the world deserves it: and you deserve the experience of sharing it, AMEN!
- I asked my clients is there a time when you walk into the door to workout and I am sad, down, upset, miserable, irritated or MAD? I am normally full of joy, energy and so happy to see you. That is the Holy Spirit in me and I was not always like this, it took time but, I am so thankful when I open my eyes because God gave me another day to serve him. I pray I can share the love of Christ all over the world and God will change the lives of millions. Amen!

How often it occurs to me, as it must to you that it is far easier simply to cooperate with God.
- My life has been changed since I realized I had to submit fully to Jesus. I shared tonight how prayer just a few months sounded stupid to me, I would say it out loud and would be like wow that didn't sound right or it was not perfect. I know people are reading this smiling because I practiced with some of my good friends. I can't express this enough and I had to over come this, he knows, HE knows, he know, God knows where your heart is. I exercised my faith and started to pray to him for everything and man now I love praying for people, with people and in my head silently... It's awesome. I cooperate with his will for my life and pray for it everyday! Do this it will change your life.

I am truly so thankful you ladies came this evening. If you prayed with us and accepted the Lord in your heart and have questions. Please ask? No question is stupid.  God loves you & so do I.   

Praise the Lord and give him all the Glory! 

I pray that God will use me as a vessel to be his light and help not only my Transform group,  family and friends but the world draw closer and closer to his love!!! 

Thank you all for your support and prayers!! 

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